
Tear of the Meniscal Cartilage

Rhapsody is out of surgery. They said the surgery went well; however, they also discovered that Rhapsody had a tear of the meniscal cartilage in addition to the cranial cruciate ligament tear. This was not the case with the last injury. Both tears have been surgically fixed and now she is in recovery. They will keep her at least overnight and re-evaluate tomorrow. Hopefully, she will be doing well enough to come home tomorrow. If you're like me, you want to know what the injuries entail so here's another website that talks about Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) for cruciate tears. Just be glad I didn't include the link to the site that actually shows pictures from the surgery (during surgery). I was looking at it while eating lunch. I find it intriguing but you may not...

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